Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm back!

After a 3 week hiatus? Many things happened during these 3 weeks... I sang o sole mio for my final presentation disastrously that I will never want to sing on stage again...Hahaha.... I'm almost done with my exams...I'm left with a korean paper on monday which I su-ed and hence, I'm not studying very hard. Hahaha....

And... I found out a webby from kh; its and it's so cool... all the updated songs and you get a score...hahaha... just that a microphone needs to be connected to the computer.

I went to the nearest music shop at tm a few days ago, hoping to get david archuleta's new album but it was sold out! I'm happy but disappointed. Happy because his album is so popular but disappointed because i can't listen to his single, Crush, anytime i want. Haiz.

Meanwhile, I've found another song that I like, it's called lovebug by the Jonas brothers. Check this out, quite 1960s i think... haha...

Over the last couple of weeks, I find myself being obsessed with Cristiano Ronaldo. I think he is a very good footballer but he's not just there yet. Having said that, what makes him popular is that he's quite good looking and self obsessed. Yes, his self obsession makes good story. Hahaha...

blogged at 9.38pm..


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