has been a bittersweet year. The year started off bitterly, with me feeling miserable for almost the first half of the year. I desperately wanted the year to come to an end. It's a year which I experienced new highs and lows. It's a testing year. From finding my first job to making the switch to my second job; both were horrible in their own ways. My grandmother falling in April and undergoing two operations on her leg (she is recuperating well now), my grandfather also falling sometimes when he goes out. Starting school, adapting to new environment, new friendships forged. Finding out that my uncle had a tumour in his stomach (it was a great shock to my family), but thankfully, he's better now. There was this really huge quarrel between my parents to the extent that I was afraid that there could be no return. But it was because of this huge disagreement with each other that I found out more about my family and that we treasure each other even more now. It is by God's grace that everything worked out in the end and that I am surrounded by my family and friends. Not forgetting my younger brother being the top student in his school and the whole of Singapore for his 'N' levels which made my parents extremely proud and happy. And now.. I don't desperately want the year to come to an end as I want to savour every last moment of 2007.
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