Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I just came back from lunch with my father and to my horror I saw 2 minahs in the kitchen. The kitchen was in a bit of a mess. 1 was sitting on the window ledge and the other was inside the kitchen- sitting on the window ledge too but is blocked by the sliding windows. So it's trapped. The minahs were communicationg with each other prolly strategising the escape route for the baby minah that was trapped inside the house. It can't really fly see, so it's a problem to me at least. After several unsuccessful attempt to getr itself out, it clung to a nearby cloth by the end. It went to my toilet next. ANd now, even while typing this- the baby minah is still stuck as it can't fly out. My father insists on letting it learn how to fly. Now, the mother minah is looking for its offspring- to the extent of going to my window ostensibly looking for its baby. How? I'm scared. Hahahaha.

Latest- The mama minah is inside my house- to my horror! again. This time with something in its mouth. It's taking food to its baby. It came in despite us closing the window- through the small toilet window no doubt. Eew.... Now I can't find the baby minah in my toilet anymore. Where did it go? I'm leaving my room and windows closed for the next 2 days.

AAAAhhhhhh... It's trying every window in my house!!!!!!!!! Trying to come in....GROSS.... I just hope the baby minah can get out soon so that this episode will be over.

I'm leaving for Tab's chalet soon!!!! Yippeeee. Bye bye MINAHS!

blogged at 1.30pm.


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