Saturday, June 09, 2007

Lunch @ The Line, Shangri-La

And finally, yes, the chocolate fondue. The last time I saw a chocolate fondue was at the Fullerton Hotel. We girls were gushing over the rich smell of chocolate and plotting to dip our fingers into it. See the sticks of biscuit and strawberries over there? I had fun dipping the stick into the fondue and giving it a whole new brown coat!
The Line has a very cosmopolitan feel. It reflects Singapore as a cosmopolitan country. There's Korean food, Sushi, Western food like pizza, baked potato with cheese, grilled chicken etc etc. Including local delights such as egg omelette, hot and sour soup, pau, siew mai, Fried Rice, fish with soy bean sauce, Satays, Prata (I was reminded of the prata from Ghim Moh), nand with fish curry, lamb curry and all the other curries and I tried the Indian rice.
I didn't try the Korean food and the Japanese Sushi. But I did try the baked potato with cheese and it was fantastic! The egg omelette is not as good as Blk 201's and the Fried Rice is above average but not something that I will come back for. My family commented that the food was not that hot, it wasn't even lukewarm. However, the satays were tender and tasty. Very good. I tried the prata with fish curry but I still think that Ghim Moh's better. The fish curry is thicker and spicier. I tried the nand and mixed the lamb curry and some other curry and it was really really spicy. The kind that makes your face turn red and eyes watery.
The desserts that you see on top is SINFUL! The desserts are very colourful and looks good but they didn't taste as good. I liked the chocolate ice cream with toppings only. The waitress took my order wrongly and gave me the orange ice cream that you see in the picture and it tasted weird. So I switched to the chocolate one instead.
Overall, I left with a heavy stomach. Off to my niece's birthday party and more food to come. (PS: The reason why I only managed to take pictures of the dessserts was because it was too troublesome to take the rest. It's difficult to open all the food covers and take pictures at the same time, while balancing my plate).


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