Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dear blog,
I'm miserable. The past few events at work has convinced me to leave my current job. I've not been so afraid before. Now, I fear going to work. Everyday I fear going to work. I'm afraid of the mistakes that I would make. Every time I pull open the door, I brace myself to handle whatever that would be thrown at me. To give a slight inkling of what happened on Wednesday, I was accosted by my superiors about mistakes that I didn't make. Wednesday was the last straw. Although they investigated and I feel vindicated now, I'm leaving. Nobody can change that. Who knows what tomorrow brings? I'm playing the hard ball now, I'm sorry to colleagues who had faith in me, to Grace who's like the sister I never had, to the managers and to Valerie for leaving at a short notice. I'm sorry to pang sei you ah. Enjoy yourself at your department there k. Don't worry about me coz I've been offered a couple of jobs and now, I'm spoilt for choice =)

At least, I'm at peace with myself now.


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